Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Does a 'Sonnet' poem's last two lines have to rhyme with each other?
Does the last two lines in a sonnet poem have to rhyme with each other or can it be an approximate rhyme? Like, for an example say the scheme is ababcdcdefefgg. When I get to the last two lines (gg) can I say 'gone' and 'alone'? And are those approximate rhymes? My dad says they are, but I'm not sure.
Bad stomach cramps at night, i have mirena not sure if its connected to pains?
i had my mirena put in months ago, i was on the pill for 5 years mainly for period cramps, i havent had many cramps since the placement of the IUD, little ones here and there when id typically get my period, the past few nights ive been getting woken up by excruciating stomach cramps and i cant get comfortable and curl up in a ball, they last for generally 20 minutes, but i get very hot and dizzy and short of breath and nauseous, almost the same feeling i had when the IUD was inserted. after i go back to sleep i wake up in the morning with tightness in my stomach, hips and lower back that last almost all day. ive also been very tired even if i sleep well into the day and i dont have the best appetite (my appetite is never consistent anyways) i have no pain during sex and i can still feel my string. what could this be ? im not sure if all this is connected to the IUD so i want to look at it with and without the IUD.
Who gives me a thumbs down when scripture speaks truth about man,---- Jer.10:14 man has no knowledge of G-D?
The problem is you assume that those you quote are correct and those that give the thumbs down obviously do not. The bible is a book which is not proven to be a true story on any level, if you quote such a dubious source then expect thumbs down.
Foreplay trouble with girlfriend?
The clitoris is on the outside so your 3 fingers would do nothing for it. And maybe she needs to relax to really enjoy it. Its always better when you "go with the passion" and not make it so "clinical".
I need help writing a sonnet!!!! Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee!!!!?
I need to write a sonnet about drawing and art!! It has to follow the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG and it has to have ten sylablesin each line! Pllleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee I really need help!!!!
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
Very immature for a 30 year old, no wonder she's getting along with a 23 year old. Anyway, father's day isn't a big deal. forget him.. one day he'll come to his senses if not you dont want ur daughter around that type of father anyway.
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
who tha ***** does tht ***** wit ur ex think she is? maaaan, i wood have ta let her kno her place, ***** betta recognize tht it's none of her bizness wht goes on between u, ur ex, and HIS daughter. i applaud u for filing for child support, he needs to grow sum bawls and stop lettin tht so called woman run him, she need to grow tha ***** up. matter fact take her dumb *** to court too for harassment, save those text messages too or anything else she sends u. write down the day and wht she did to harass u if u can't get it in a text or recording, make sure u got witnesses too. tht ***** lossed her gotdamn mind tryna come between a father and HIS daughter. she dont even love him cuz if she did she wouldnt try to keep him away frm his seed, and he's an even larger b!tchass idiot for allowing it.
What should I do if my Bearded Dragon has a large lump in his neck?
I am sorry to hear about all the trouble you have with him. Unfortunately there is no magical cure and nothing that you can buy over the counter to help him. Usually an abscess are caused by bites from insects (feeders) and the small injury grows over time. It can also be a cyst or a tumour and only a vet can treat it and prescribe antibiotics. You can read up on diseases here, can you possible post a photo? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
How does Obama establish and sustain rapport?
Preferably referring to his victory speech in Chicago and his appearance on the Late show with David Letterman
Do i have some sort of Glucose Imbalance?
I try to eat really healthy however I become very tired and depressed over the last year or so. However, it seems whenever I eat a chocolate bar I feel full of energy, I can focus, I feel happie, and this is over a sustained period of time (its not like a sugar high). If i go on eating healthy food and eliminating sweets i get all depressed again I can not focus I am agitated so I am thinking I have some sort of blood sugar imbalance. I don't know anyone have any thoughts. Also, I am one of those people who can eat as much of anything I want and not gain a pound.
How can i run better with asthma?
i have asthma, ive had it since i was a kid. i have inhalers, and take meds for it, but it affects my athletic performance. i go to my doc a few times a year for it, but how can i run and not get out of breath quickly, i can run for about 5 min non-stop but then i have to slow down to breath. its annoying. ik there are lots of athletes with asthma. any tips on how to build endurance even with asthma causing me to have rlly heavy breathing?
Whats the cutest thing your child does?
When me and my daughter do jumping jacks.. She jumps but flaps her arms like a little bird. Its so hilarious
I recently crashed my bike and my ribs feel like they are stabbing my lungs!?
I was riding my bike and my tire siezed up and stopped randomly, my bike went forward and i fell on the edge of my handel bar... My handel bar stabbed me in the chest and i could barely breath for like 5 minutes... i can breath now but my chest hurts so much it feels like my ribs are puncturing my lungs... Does anyone know if I should be ok after a couple days of relaxing and taking care of myself... I just want to know if anyone experienced this recently and was ok in time... PLZ HELP!
I have to make a sonnet poem for english class how does my poem sound?
it sounds pretty good.... but if youre in high school, perverts will say that its sexual.... but in my opinion it sounds good
Why do americans idolize Canada and Swedish healthcare?
I know Canada and Sweden healthcare system is nice. However, do we really think there systems would work in the USA. It is easy to have a federal bankrolled healthcare system when you have such a small population and a much higher tax system. It is also much less expensive to run social programs when you really aren't responsible for keeping a strong military force (not only numerically but from a military weapons development stand point.) As nice as the social programs are in Canada and Sweden, I just don't see how a larger country with all our global responsibilities and a large population could sustain a healthcare system like theirs.
How to meditate properly......................…
how to stop racing thoughts in to observe to pass away to down chatter in my mind.....plz help me...thanx...
My parents found out I was drinking?
I'm 19 and I was completely sober when I drove home (I took two shots at 5PM and came back at 1AM). However, I didn't eat anything in between so I the alcohol stayed on my breath. I walked in the door and I was dumb to not think, like always, they never go to sleep before I come back and they smelled my breath and smelled alcohol. I explained the situation and my parents are still pissed. What can I do to make them not pissed? It's so difficult to hang out (even without drinking) because I can't stay over at friends' houses AT ALL and can't be out after a certain time (even though I'm 19!) I'm in college, what do they expect? I do things responsibly. I just don't know what to do. What can I do?
Do Hispanic families have too many kids or is it really that white families have too few?
I constantly hear nagging that Hispanics have too many kids (I'm the 3rd of 5), but let's look at some facts. In order to keep a group from declining you must have at least a 2.11 fertility rate, lower will result in a population decline (which is really bad if you look at Japan). Non-Hispanic fertility rate is 1.6, which is very low and wont sustain itself, with Hispanics put into the picture the fertility rate just barely reaches 2.11. Don't believe me? Look at Harris County in Texas, one of the fastest growing areas in the country and a very large county, yet the white population declined 500,000 people. The population in the 2010 census had one of the lowest population % increases in the century. So is it really Hispanic families have too many kids, or white families have too few?
Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?
He has told you he thinks your attractive and unique. He has shown interest in your poems and songs, and he has invited you to get to know his friends at lunch. Heck even if he didn't like you, you could do a lot worse with a guy like that. I would assume that he likes you and continue to be friendly towards him. Eat lunch with him. Thank him for compliments. Don't worry about the fact that he is friendly and talks to other girls. You don't want to control him, or change him, or monopolize him right? So don't be bothered by that. Allow him to be the popular friendly guy he is and to also show you special attention as long as you want it from him. Tell him there is this movie you would love to see this weekend but your girlfriend (or cousin or sister???) flaked on you. Maybe if you leave that comment hanging in the air while smiling at him he will ask if he can take you.
What is the hottest temperature you can donate blood outside to where its not dangerous?
My lil sister went and donated to the american red cross. The held the donation out on a bus when the temperature outside is 105 and muggy (to put it bluntly you couldn't step outside and breath). When she stepped off the bus she fainted and fell down the stairs hit her head on the cement and couldn't remember her name. She is now in the hospital. What is the hottest temperature you can donate blood outside without it being dangerous?
What is this feeling?
It is 1:30am where I live and I'm feeling...weird. I feel like I have to lay down on my bed, and I keep having to open my mouth really wide and when I do this big slow breath if air comes out and it's so weird. I don't even know what this is. I'm like, slowing down or something. What's happening?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Why is this happening to me?
Hi Rachel. You need to go back to the doctor and get a proper diagnosis and treatment. It may take a few visits, some tests, perhaps a referral. Nobody can help diagnose you here. My immediate thought was a sinus infection and you have anxiety that is getting worse because you don't know what's wrong. But that's just a guess and it could be many things going on. Please go back to the doctor until you are satisfied and feel better.
Help with qeustions relating to TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD ASAP!?
Hahahahahahaha there are 9 essay questions and 18 other questions. Nobody's going to do them for you. Please proceed to your nearest library and borrow a copy of the book!
Can Everton of all clubs - sustain a '4th spot challenge' in the Premiership next season ?
I think the strongest challengers for 4th spot would be Liverpool, Spurs and City, assuming United, Arsenal and Chelsea tie up the top 3 spots. I don't see any other team breaking into the top 6 apart from the 6 above.
Why is this happening ?
right now as I breath in and out i get a tiny pain in my left testicle what could this be it just started today
Constructive Criticism on my first sonnet?
Hey there. You did a really good job, and I can tell you've practiced writing poetry a lot. You have a very precise skill with language, and your rhyming has a natural sound more or less. For a sonnet though, you don't need to stay in such a strict meter and format. It's not necessary to count ten syllables for every line and stress every other syllable. That's the traditional way to write sonnets, but since the early 20th century, poets have stopped adhering to these rules because it causes poems to sound a little too formal and old fashioned. It's okay to use 11 syllables in one line and 13 syllables in another line. The important thing is that the poem sounds good--which means natural and unforced. I know this is your first sonnet--and it's vastly better than the first one I ever wrote--but the main problem with it is that it doesn't sound very natural. My rule of thumb for writing anything is only to write something I'd say in normal speech. That doesn't mean that writing is the same as having a regular conversation. Writing is a higher form of communicating than speaking, but writing with fancy diction can get very silly. You want your choice of words to be very precise--as yours are in the poem you wrote--and you want to choose the most creative and interesting way to say something. Hemingway said that you should "make and not describe." Be relaxed and don't force your words, but don't be too loose and careless.
Do i deserve a second chance?
ok i have been beating my self up for almost 3 months my hardheaded ness didnt pick up the phone and tell her i was wrong in everyway. i have a gaming addiction in the last 2 months i have been do really good. but i would not pay her no attention and she would walk into a room i woundnt even notice. im dieing with out her. i want her back more then life its self i have quit gaming all together i love her to the very last breath i breath. but she started talking to another guy but i want her back and to prove this is not just a thing im doing what i can to fight for her my qustion is this do i deserve a second chance with her with out her my life means nothing
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
You're a bit crazy. At 4 months, all the kid wants is food. Give this thing time to settle out and leave the guy alone except for the check.
How to control millions with ease --possible or not?
Far simpler get them to imprison themselves in major metropolitan areas and then wrest control of the food supply and infrastructure then simply turn the switch off a few times to scare the hell out of them and whalla willing idiots on tap.
My dog is puking all over the place what do i do?!?
My dog just started gagging out of nowhere. I thought it was bc he couldn't catch his breath at first but then he vomited up a thick foam like substance several times. My moms dog just got over this and was wondering if he could of caught it while being around her dog for a minimal 5mins.
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
Why did you have relations unmarried? You could have avoided all this. Anyway, it's your job to call him and wish him a Happy Father's Day. He's probably avoiding you anyway because of child support.
An expanding economy will kill us all?
You must be a student, unemployed, or both. When you grow up, you will understand that a growing government is the problem, not a growing economy. Governments start wars, give money to countries that hate us, give money to people that want to be lazy, and grow by taking money from those that work. Our wars that we are in cost billions. Thanks to our government, we are now in 4 wars. And thanks to our government, we now think that $3.50/gallon of gasoline is cheap.
Any help on writting a sonnet?
I need to write a sonnet as Juilet explaining my relationship with Romeo or Vice versa. Can any one help with this!?
I need an example of motifs!?
I need to write a sonnet for english and I need to include two motifs. I want to write the sonnet about volleyball, so if you could give me a motif about that, but I will take all examples! thank you so much!!!
How to yell properly for cheerleading?
When I am cheering for about 20 seconds my voice becomes all shaky when I am yelling and once I stop I have this big breath the I have to exhale. I know I am not doing something right. What can I do.
Girl problems...any suggestions?
So i started text this girl a week ago for the first time. We kind of knew each other but I got her number from a friend (which may have been a bad move but whatever). Because school is over im not going to see her in person again until next year (that is if she comes back which she may not). When we did text she seemed kind of bored at some points but she asked me a few questions (which may have just been to be polite idk). Now its been over a week and we havent talked. Would she have initiated a conversation if she wanted to talk? Because she didn't does that mean shes uninterested? And if i should txt her I have no clue what to say (specifics would be helpful. it just doesnt seem like i know her well enough to say hey whats up. and even if i did i dont see how to sustain a conversation after that. so i feel kinda stuck). I feel like the fact that she has my number and hasnt said anything in a week means shes uninterested but idk. Thanks.
I feel like im not breathing?
ok i smoked for about 2 weeks im 14 i know smoking is bad dont give me a speech about it but i feel like im not breathing deep enough and like i have something in my throat i have to take a huge breath to feel like im breathing i woke up panicing i thought i had to tell my self to breath my lungs fell ok just i have to breath deep in in order to feel like i am whats wrong ? P.S i know smoking is bad i dont plan on doing it any more dont preach me
A sonnet for your amusement. comments?
I like people for different reasons. Gio is very kind to me and his style may not appeal to everyone -so what? That is no reason for anyone to have social diarrhea towards his heritage or him in general. But if it were me that the **** was being spewed on, I'm sure that I could regurgitate some foul peristalsis in their direction. Dave is one of my favorite poets, I may be infatuated with him along with a couple others, you are one-you know that. So I want everyone to GET ALONG so I can be happy.
Help I can't write poems!?
ok so I need to write a sonnet for my english class about a challenge in my life, I'm thinking of doing it about the time I learned how to play the guitar. I just have no idea how to come up with good rhyming sentences.. So if you play the guitar or your just good at writing poems could you help me out a little. thanks :)
Can smelling your breath harm you in any way?
Um depends like let's say you have a bag tied around your head tightly. Under that circumstance technically yes.
What Is The Meaning of Life?
Earth can be a cruel place my friend, but prosparity and survival are human traits. Its normal to be down but theres a big world out there, dont let it keep you down buddy.
What is causing these symptoms in my friend?
she is 17 years old and is experiencing shortness of breath, intense pain all over body, dizziness, sore thought, and stomach pains
Extreme pain when swallowing?
The other week I just got over pneumonia. I took the medicine and everything was fine. Now after about a week after I have got over it I am experiencing a extreme pain in the esophagus on the right side of my chest. When I swallow it feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest. And when I take deep breaths it also does the same thing. It just started today. I'm a 15 year old male. Do I need to go to the hospital? Doctor? Please help.
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
You're a bit crazy. At 4 months, all the kid wants is food. Give this thing time to settle out and leave the guy alone except for the check.
What do you think of my poem?
I think your pretty talented and should get this published. The imagery portrayed is absolutely marvelous!!!!!!!!! Also very imaginative.
Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?
He has told you he thinks your attractive and unique. He has shown interest in your poems and songs, and he has invited you to get to know his friends at lunch. Heck even if he didn't like you, you could do a lot worse with a guy like that. I would assume that he likes you and continue to be friendly towards him. Eat lunch with him. Thank him for compliments. Don't worry about the fact that he is friendly and talks to other girls. You don't want to control him, or change him, or monopolize him right? So don't be bothered by that. Allow him to be the popular friendly guy he is and to also show you special attention as long as you want it from him. Tell him there is this movie you would love to see this weekend but your girlfriend (or cousin or sister???) flaked on you. Maybe if you leave that comment hanging in the air while smiling at him he will ask if he can take you.
Can my pc Power supply sustain this?
yes, but that is close to the supply's limit, you might want to get a case fan to make sure things don't overheat
Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?
I think he likes you, but he's a flirt. I have a friend kike this too, & it's very frustrating. He could've asked you out, who knows. I woulf just text him or something & see if he lkes you, so you know for sure. I know this isn't a very good answer, but there isn't much yiu can do.
How did the belligerents in World War 1 manage to sustain such heavy losses and fight on?
I know that they had a lot of new technology(that's what caused such heavy losses in the first place), but was there a reason that they kept fighting for so long?
I have breathing problems?!? Are they serious?!?
Talk to your parents. You need to see a doc to determine if there is actually a problem. The way to determine if you are not getting enough air is to have you breath into a device that measures the volume of air exchange, and for the doc to listen to your lungs while you are breathing.
Can atheists prove that God doesn't exist?
Yes, creator is nature. Things are only complex if that is the way you want to view it. The Ford model T was once complex. That same car is primitive now. Get my point.
Why am I more energized during night time then day time when the sun is out?
Whenever it is sunny and hot outside I seem to loose my energy quickly, but at night i get it all back. Even when I am tired from soccer the day before (tired as in hard to run for more than a few seconds without running out of breath, and aching leg muscles) it seems to heal up and re energize during the night when the sun is down. Why?
What is a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet?
im doing this thing for school i have to write poems well i need to write a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet but the thing is i have no idea if each one needs to rhyme, have a pattern of beats, purpose, and how long they need to be please help
Why am I getting flooded with calls from recruiters?
Back in the beginning of 2007 I was in the market for a new job. I worked with a lot of recruiters and was able to find a new job fairly quickly. I continued to receive calls from recruiters until about 2008 when the job market really went into the tank (luckily my current job has sustained since 2007). About 2008 calls from recruiters just stopped and I have not received any calls since then. I'm assuming this is due to the conditions of the job market. However, this year I am all of the sudden being flooded by calls from recruiters to see if I am looking for work. Started maybe 4 months ago. Could this be an indication that the job market is picking up? Are others getting calls as well?
How long does a torn lung take to heal?
! I have had a torn lung. I hurt me bad. It's okay as long as you don't move the wrong way, lol ugh... Anyways it took me about a month to heal. I was not resting though. I was actually still in work. If you rest it may take half the time.
Writing a Sonnet, does this make sense?
Usually it's blindness that is the metaphor or simile. Just as a suggestion, you could say her vision of the world was the feel of the hits of a stick.
"It is what it is"? What is your view on that quote?
I personally dislike it when people say "no problem" and I sometimes challenge them by asking "what if it was a problem, what then?", but the result is rarely worth the effort. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell put it, "it isn't things that bother us, it is our ideas about them that bother us". Therefore, while you do not agree with how people use the phrase "it is what it is" when it isn't appropriate, or you do not like their viewpoint that things cannot be changed or are better left unchanged, you cannot change the behavior of others. Because you cannot prevent people from using that phrase around you I suspect you will not change yourself so you will continue to be annoyed by it. You could challenge people who say that with something like "your opinion is not equivalent to reality", but that won't earn you many friends. Therefore it is indeed a problem that "is what it is".
Does my boyfriend care or is he just not grown up enough for a relationship?
My boyfriend of 4 months is nice, understanding, we go on dates, and we're pretty mutually give-and-take. He still opens car doors and he took his time dating me. He is not experienced and seems to think a relationship is sustained on one or two days a week of seeing each other. Then he plays video games for hours. He does work a lot and he is taking summer classes so maybe I should let it slide? Truth is he flunked out of an expensive university and now is in community college and his dad has restrictions on him for curfews, studying, even texting or having me over. Apparently my boyfriend really messed up and probably hasn't grown up. Me on the other hand I'm excelling and my gpa went up 5 points this year. College and relationships come naturally. I do love him and I have talked to him and he insists he really likes me and that if there was a problem he would tell me. Should I just let him go at his pace and hope that when we both go to university we can have a free and real relationship? I just feel like breaking up would be a mistake.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Need help. Lots of information, need answer..?
I' 17 years old 5'1" and I weight 105. I am also pregnant. A few months back I had gotten chlamydia I was treated but I didn't sustain from sex the full week and was then treated for it again. I went back for the check up and it was all cleared up. Just a few days ago I was having sex with my partner (he is the only person I have been with in 5 months) we had sex a few times that day and the final time my vagina had hurt so bad I told him enough. The next day it was still very painful it had hurt to even sit on hard surfaces, touch and itched quite a bit. Later that night I thought I had came down with the flu, very cold and week. The next day I was going to go see my obgyn and I had discovered a few tiny white bumps in my vagina close to the vaginal canal. I went to my obgyn and told him all of this he took a look and I had a yeast infection. He also said that I might have herpes but it doesn't look exactly like it so he had to take a swab and send it into a lab for results. What do you think it is? I'm worried because this is the first time anything like this has happened. I've never had bumps like this ever.
Shakespeare sonnet for teenage girl!!!!!!?
help please! I need a shakespearean sonnet asap. I already need to know sonnet 29, so not that one. I need to be able to relate to it! thanks!
What is a good router to buy under $45?
I need a wireless router that can sustain my 2 laptops and PS3 with a good wireless connection, what website can you refer me to? The cheaper the better :-)
How to run better with asthma?
i have asthma, ive had it since i was a kid. i have inhalers, and take meds for it, but it affects my athletic performance. i go to my doc a few times a year for it, but how can i run and not get out of breath quickly, i can run for about 5 min non-stop but then i have to slow down to breath. its annoying. ik there are lots of athletes with asthma. any tips on how to build endurance even with asthma causing me to have rlly heavy breathing?
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
You've asked this question a couple times and a lot similar to it many times. Why don't you just read the answers to your other 20 questions just like this one?
Do i have a problem!?!!?
No its actually means you are truly in love and passionate about that person cause i'm the same way with my girlfriend
Does anyone know how to write a sonnet about love?
I am in ninth grade and need to write sonnets for a romeo and juliet project. I would appreciate it if anyone can provide an original shakespearean sonnet about love, death, marriage, even murder or suicide. Thank you so much.
Does this girl like me?
Awwww y don't u try asking her out insted of her keep asking her and give he signals or she's gonna think ur gay bc the way it sounds its lik u guys r in a gbf relationship (gay best friend) so yeah... But tht just be how she is wit all guys
How can I stay underwater with a snorkel?
I know the question doesn't make any sense. I mean like if I want to go underwater with a snorkel on. I can't push the water out with one breath, but if I try again, i would end up swallowing gallons of water. How can I practice doing this without going into the water?
Resolving a medical bill from an injury caused by a doctor?
Can you threaten legal action against a doctor to have a medical bill written off? I sustained a nerve injury as a direct result of prolonged 2nd stage of labor, causing me to be hospitalized for 5 days after the vaginal birth because I could not walk. I lost my full time job and insurance because I was replaced while on disability. I am on unemployment and medicaid now as a result of everything that happened. I think its morally the right thing to do for them to write off this bill. There was also a HIPAA violation, the midwife discussed my labor with my coworker at a softball game the day after the delivery. Also considered filing a complaint on that but would be willing to let it go if they write off my bill.
Why do i stop breathing while I'm awake?
I notice when I'm awake i almost forget to breath and when i remember to breath it feels as if i had not taken a breath for a few min. So then i have to think and take deep breaths for like 5 min. to get my body back to breathing normal. I wonder if it is a awake type apnea thing? Any ideas
Is it normal to feel shortness of breath after donating blood?
I donated blood earlier around 7pm. It's 1am here now, and about an hour after donating I was driving and talking to my friends, and I had to keep stopping while I was talking to catch my breath because I felt so short of breath. I also occasionally felt a little bit dizzy, but not to the point of where I thought I was going to pass out.. And I do know that is normal. Anyways it's 1am and I'm still feeling shortness of breath. Like I can't get a deep breath. It's really bothering me because I feel so uncomfortable. I was just wondering if this is normal.. Also my face has been really pale ever since I donated even though I ate and everything. Sorry if I seem like I'm freaking out, I only donated one other time before this and this never happened.. I'm 20..
Yamaha keyboard PSR -125 ?
i have an yamaha keyboard psr 125 and wanted to play songs when the notes hold on longer. to do this i need a piano sustain however i need one compatible with my keyboard and im finding it very difficult to find one any help?
When I get excited, I involuntarily take a deep breath?
This has been happening to me a lot lately, when I get excited over something, even it's something small like getting a message from a cute guy I'm talking to, to getting to read something like a book. It's weirding me out. Any advice, ideas, etc.?
Should I get back with my ex?
We are both 19. We had a wonderful relationship of a year, but the last 2 months were really confusing and difficult because I fell out of love and he was still deeply in love. I let him know how I felt, he was very upset but was convinced that we could get through it. I did not think so, so I ended it, but it was so hard. I really care about him a lot, but I started feeling like he was a giant weight on my shoulders, he was really dependent on me and wanted to spend to much time together, I also just got bored. He called me and begged me to give him another chance, and asked me what he needed to change, I told him what needed to change and that we could try again, but that there was no guarantee. It's been a month, and he has kept his word on letting me breath and not contacting me, but we planned on seeing each other on July 4th. Part of me really wants to go, because I still have all those amazing memories, besides him being clingy, he was wonderful to me, but the other part of me doesn't want to go because I don't even know where to start picking up the pieces, and I already feel awkward at the thought of being with him again on a date so soon..... help.
You're honest opinion on my writing?
Well, I suck at poetry so I have no suggestions. :/ But I love the poem! Its kind of eerie, but it really makes a lot of sense. It gets you thinking about life in the grand scheme of things. Being grateful for what you have while you're on the earth. Love it!
Shakespeare sonnet 90?
I have to perform Shakespeare sonnet 90 in front of my whole class and I'm terrified to do so. I also have no props i had an idea of using a person as a prop cause in this sonnet it seems to me that he is having a conversation with someone but I'm not sure male or female. I need props, hand movement i could do, presentation tips, help with my fear and any other things u can help me with. Please help!
Abusive brother, speaking up is hard, yet i need to do it, is it to late to tell police someone?
I'm 30 years old, and cannot stand my brother who is 5 years older. When I was little I was his rag doll he used to beat me till I could breath a lot of times, one time while swimming he held me under till I literally stopped moving and almost killed me, but the thing that still bugs me is he also molested me too as a kid. I told my parents yet they didn't DO anything, he's my mother's first child and prodigal son yet she can't understand why I have an issue with him. I went to counseling when I was a kid but kept this to myself in fear of getting hurt, or having my family torn apart, yet now a days I really want to speak out about this monster yet I don't know were to begin and I don't want to drive spike in my family, any advice?
Can hypothyroidism cause you to suffocate?
Well it is swelling of the thyroid do to the lack of thyroid hormone, mine is not nearly SEVERE, but my thyroid does seem to be swelled so much it is hard to breath. I know if it was to swell up so big it would be hard to breath.
Is it un-American to decry the imminent failure of this Free Market Society?
A growing Global Consumer based Ecomony that's dependent on finite resources cannot be sustained. Why are so many in denial of this simple fact?
I have been having constant panic attacks.?
My heart races I feel like I'm constantly trying to catch my breath and my stomach hurts. It happens for hours at a time, I went to the hospital and a doctor and they said it would go away but it's been happening for three days. Honestly, I don't feel like living anymore. Can someone please help me.
Romeo and Juliet questions?
1. I am not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure she expresses her fears and doubts through sililoquy- a technique Shakespeare often used for characters to admit their true feelings to an audience while alone on stage. Since I haven't read this play in four years, I am not 100% sure, but that is my gut instinct, if i remember the play correctly :)
What is a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet?
im doing this thing for school i have to write poems well i need to write a lyric,ode,elegy,sonnet but the thing is i have no idea if each one needs to rhyme, have a pattern of beats, purpose, and how long they need to be please help
Tommorow i was persuaded by my p.e teacher to do a wholee ONE lap around the school track its big for sports day! i really carnt do it i'm slow i have to do it infront of evvvvveryone the wholee school and stuff.. ireally dont want to do it i also get out of breath easily for like just running for 6 secs loose breath!!! this will take mefoorrrevver omg how do i tell my teacher i dont wanna do it???
I am a truck driver local. as of last year we were issued company shirts. they have reflective stripes swonek?
i am a truck driver local. as of last year we were issued company shirts. they have reflective stripes and do not breath. my manager says even with a doctors excuse i have to wear it. when the temp... is 90 or more i get sick ,vomit, and weak. i have had heat stroke twice and am very susceptible to heat. there are two more drivers that have the same issue. and the temp drivers don't have to wear them. i have been fighting this since it has gotten hot and i am being called into the office tomorrow. pleas help.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
No....sounds more like you love him. You guys should be in a relationship. If you already are then maybe you should tell him how you feel. Start by pronouncing you affection. If you feel he may not feel the same then start by telling him you like him and progressively letting him know. But no you don't have an attachment issue. You're normal I promise. :)
Coughing/ sneezing at work making everyone ill?
There isn't any laws since its just nature. But yeah just wear a mask and wash your hands regulary, thats mostly the best I can think of.
Girl problems...any suggestions?
So i started text this girl a week ago for the first time. We kind of knew each other but I got her number from a friend (which may have been a bad move but whatever). Because school is over im not going to see her in person again until next year (that is if she comes back which she may not). When we did text she seemed kind of bored at some points but she asked me a few questions (which may have just been to be polite idk). Now its been over a week and we havent talked. Would she have initiated a conversation if she wanted to talk? Because she didn't does that mean shes uninterested? And if i should txt her I have no clue what to say (specifics would be helpful. it just doesnt seem like i know her well enough to say hey whats up. and even if i did i dont see how to sustain a conversation after that. so i feel kinda stuck). I feel like the fact that she has my number and hasnt said anything in a week means shes uninterested but idk. Thanks.
Interested in magic? check out my new book?
This is..... FANTASIC!!! I love the way you say magic us like energy! Classic. You have something going here
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
You are defiantly right.. u did the right thing by filing a child support btw too. And I believe He only went to her so he can have a place to stay and cause she is taking care of him, but believe me relations like that don't last long. She will eventually get tired of taking care of him and paying for his food and housing him.... by then he will have no other choice but to get a job and support himself and his daughter and hopefully will get back to you
How do I get back up after I am done floating?
After floating on my stomach with my head underwater, how can I get back up when I run out of breath? Thanks!
I need english help please!!?
Heysee how any local business can be on pg. 1 of google with social media,video marketing,mobile marketing,connect with customers in your back yard call for free report 301-996-3989
What if we became an isolationist country, again?
Thinking out of the box, hey? I do not think it would be a bad idea at all. Occupying other countries is what led to 9/11. We can not go on policing the world like we are. We need to get out of the U.N. and in fact get our own government out of our private lives and let us deal with and regulate at a local and state level. Each state knows their needs and shouldn't be dictated as they are today.
How many of their daily calories do human use for involuntary life-sustaining activities such as digestion...?
D. It is called basil metabolic rate and for the average 2000 calorie diet is is about 1600 calories
Suddenly i just dont have strength to exercise!?
I have been religiously eating healthy for past five months and lost 34kg aswell. First i wast on a low carb diet but now since last week i am eating normal food but in moderation. I used to work out around 90 minutes a day which included 70 minutes jogging, 150 situps, 80 pushups and 100 bicep curls. But suddenly now i just dont have the strength to exercise, i run for 20 minutes and get headache, abnormal heartbeat and get out of breath. I am so stressed that i will get fat again because i m not able to exercise. Also, i havent eaten any junk food or fast food since 5 months now because i just dont like these two for some reason. I also try to avoid white rice but eat it occasionally. I eat complex carbs like wholemeal, wholewheat and fruits. Please help me and just to make it clear i am sleeping well. I am still abit overweight. Also, i get bad headaches when i wake and get out of bed or when i standup after sitting on a sofa for hours. I was previously drinking 4 litres of water a day but now i am down to 2.5 litres. I am always feeling weak and i find it hard to understand things. Please help me ! :(.
My Mind Urges And Pushes Me To Do Bad Things..?
I feel like that too. Except I think of killing people and my conscience is sort of non-existent so I end up giving into my urges. It's fun, but cleaning up is a b*tch.
"It is what it is"? What is your opinion on this phrase?
I honestly think that that's what people say when they don't know what to say about a situation. It's an easy way out of really thinking of an answer or giving their true opinion on the subject. Hope that helps!
When I cough my windpipe gets hurt or something and I can't breathe?
I have had bronchitis for 2 weeks, and it is now the 3rd week and it is settling down. But I have this cough still, sometimes it's hacking, sometimes it's not. But, whenever I have a hacking cough mucus gets caught at the back of my throat or something and when I cough it hurts, and I try to breath in but it sounds like a huge wheeze and I can't breath, I have to run to a tap and chug water to clear my throat/windpipe. I've been to the hospital to check my chest and throat, and they said it was fine. Are there any remedies I should use for the mucus? Anyone know what happens when I can't breath? I wouldn't know, but maybe the mucus gets to my windpipe when I cough.
How to tell if a one syllable word is stressed or unstressed?
I need to do I sonnet in iambic pentameter for school and I can't tell the difference for one syllable words such as : need, in, school, can, tell, one ect . Are all one syllable words unstressed?
Breath smells like blood or nickel what could this mean?
My girlffriend said that my breath smelled like blood or nickel today and after I brushed my teeth she said the smell was still there. I just started to taste it as well. My mouth is not bleedingso what could this be?
Can someone help me find songs for my English project, please help!?
I have to find 3 songs that describe the plots of anything we've read in English this year and it has to be creative! The things we've read are Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Antigone, Julius Caesar, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The Nonexistent Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and a bunch of Shakespeare Sonnets. Please help!
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.. thoughts?
The girl on the first season of America's Next Top Model said that when she didn't want to pose nude.
I have smelly gunk on my tongue?
its not that thing called mouth thrush but I want to know how to get rid of it because it causes really bad breath and is rather embarrassing. I am 14
Check my answers for my english test please? hurry!?
Did you finish this? Because I really need the answers for it! I can trade you answers for the U.S. history final, basic algebra A&B, and sign language. Please help me out:/
Can I use an inhaler for getting choked on smoke and when I have a shortness of breath caused not by asthma?
my fiance pops my zits and I get weak and out of breath. I was given an inhaler but I do not know when its best to correctly use one when I was not diagnosed for asthma or other respiratory systems. Got this inhaler from my fiance's mother whom does have asthma. I have small lungs smaller than normal. I get choked and can't breath in any kind of smoke whether it be from a cigerates or fire when camping. I just need to know when its best to use it because I don't have asthma and only get shortness of breath due to extreme pains.
How would I quote this quote?
just go ahead and put some quotes around what you just typed and then say you got it from the book where you got it from and then rest easy.
Having trouble getting a full breath...I think?
I had the same problem a couple of years back. Am male. Used to be very sporty. Like a few glasses of wine etcetera. Got the same as you one Christmas and thought I was a gonner many times over. Doctors couldn't find a thing except a body chemical imbalance. This 'experience' went on for a year or so (at any time of day or night) then lessened (don't drink much now); very rare I experience it now. Listen to your bod; live correctly. Eat properly; rest properly; do steady work; live long and prosper.
I'm a capricorn and i don't get on with virgos, why?
Do you mean get along? I feel the same way. I'm a Virgo and even though we're supposed to get along with Capricorns, I just never could. I always came across Capricorns that were huge liars and I always saw them as fake and vindictive. I had a horrible experience with a couple that I'll never forget. I admire Capricorns for their drive and determination. But that's about it.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
How to replace floor boards on a house with a crawl space?
Floors in the bathroom of our old house feel weak and have sustained some water damage. We want to replace them.
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
You are defiantly right.. u did the right thing by filing a child support btw too. And I believe He only went to her so he can have a place to stay and cause she is taking care of him, but believe me relations like that don't last long. She will eventually get tired of taking care of him and paying for his food and housing him.... by then he will have no other choice but to get a job and support himself and his daughter and hopefully will get back to you
Summary of the poem " sonnet 105 " by shakespear?
The poet denies that his love is a form of idolatry and that the youth himself is an idol. He insists that he has been constantly devoted to the values of fairness, kindness and truth. Being three themes united in the figure of the youth, there is great scope for verse, since they have never been united in one person before.
Had a weird body-image dream...?
Maybe you are "starved" for affection and someone is controlling you so much that you feel unable to breathe?
I have to write a sonnet with the words given by our teacher here are the words ,star,lovely,far,lonely,abov?
star,lovely,far lonely,above beautiful,dove fearful,sad,free,bad,see,sight,light hope to help me it will be pass on monday thanks
Trillion dollar debt!?
Well pointing fingers in different directions is merely a distraction from reality.Because both parties are responsible for the fiscal state of the economy... and as far as the tri-country thing towards one world gov. Bush already signed that formal agreement. Without the consent of congress or the american people. See link below.
Can you really reach Intermediate Level French with Rosetta Stone 1,2 and 3?
No. Just forget it. It's ridiculously overpriced, overrated and overhyped. All it does is make you repeat simple things like a parrot, nothing else. No context-based learning, no feedback, no grammar teaching, no nothing. Cash-in for absolutely nothing, because this will never ever be able to replace real face-to-face language lessons nor other "conventional" language learning methods. Please stay well away from these kind of "gimmicks"!
not really sure on the ins and outs of this book. to be sure. is there any chance that you could explain the poem. thanks. would be very grateful!
What happened during the time Sonnet 15 was written?
The exact dates when Shakespeare wrote each of his sonnets are not known. But it's safe to assume that this one was written sometime in the 1590s. You can look up the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, who was nearing the end of her life during that decade. But there's no reason to believe that England's internal politics at that time (nor the international politics in which England was involved at that time) are particularly relevant to this poem.
What's the best biome for agriculture?
Temperate forest. The soils are decent (not as good as prairie soils), rainfall is regular and adequate, and temperatures are within a reasonable range such that season extension technologies can provide a crop for most of the year. Other biomes are too cold, have poor soils, too little rain, or too much of it. When done correctly, though, any biome can be productive (except the arctic).
How would you tell/advice a friend who has really bad body odor and makes really annoying habits?
she sits next to me, she doesn't put on deo and has really bad breath.sometimes when she talks to me I'll smell her body odor and bad breath with makes my wanna puke. And when she hears a joke, she'll laugh and hiss like snake (that's really loud and weird) OK that's about it how would tell or a advice her without hurting her.? I mean someday I just gotta let her know.
Is this poem a bit cheesey or should I cheese it up a bit more, please help?
This I would class as exceptional cheesiness. Deciding what category is a problem. should it be mature, extra mature or just mild. With the crummy omelet this cannot be mild but an exhilarating venture a very blue gorgonzola kitchen. Now I want to see your toe poem as you kick this one into touch. Thanks for a laugh - I needed that today.
Breath smells like blood or nickel what could it mean?
My girlffriend said that my breath smelled like blood or nickel today and after I brushed my teeth she said the smell was still there. I just started to taste it as well. My mouth is not bleedingso what could this be?
Help with Shakespearean sonnet?
I need to write a sonnet as-though i am Romeo and explaining my love for Juliet. I have decided i am going to do it at the point where Romeo is at the balcony, looking upon juliet. the first 8 lines have to be how i feel, the next 4 how I'm worried about what may happen and the last 2 what i hope for the future. im no good with Shakespeare language so much help as possible please!
Is my husband taking drugs?
Try posting your question to the "Health" category, sub-category "Mental Health" on yahoo answers. You should get more informed answers. This is the "Food & Beverage" category. My guess is he has low tolerance to alcohol or did use some type of drug.
Can someone WRITE A SONNET FOR ME?!? TEN 10 POINTS!?!?
ok so i need to write a sonnet for english class and im having some serious trouble. Can someone just write me a sonnet. it CAN BE BASIC. ID PREFER IT BE BASIC. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE IT. And if you can, include the words "English" and "Class" in it. It can be very short. As long as you want it to be but at least like 6 sentences please. I promise ill give TEN POINTS to someone that makes a good BASIC ONE.
Why does screaming on a ride help?
I know tons of people scream for fun but I know plenty who scream so that it's not as scary. Whenever I go on roller coasters that launch with one of my good friends she always takes a gigantic breath and screams so loud my ears feel like they're going to explode. Same goes with the drops. Why does this seem to help her (so she says). It hurts my ears! LOL.
Sonnet 55 questions..can you help me with them ?
He's trying to immortalize his love in the poem, at least until Judgement Day when they will arise and there won't be a need for the poem.
Could This Scenario Happen From Global Warming?
Yes indeed. What if. But it'll never happen, because the earth has developed so many self regulating mechanisms , overs it's millions of years of existence.
Why are some people so against belief?
If you died today and nothing happened you would not know it right? Well what if something did? What would you do if you found that a higher power did exist? Really my point is this, what is the hurt in believing? If God does not exist, and everything goes black on your last gasping breath you won't know the difference. It isn't like you are going to be able to come back and say I told you so LOL. But what If there is a God and you had to face him? What would you say? Just curious, this is a question I have always wanted to ask. Please keep it clean and unoffensive to anyone, Christian or not. I really want some educated answers and respect towards each other in this question.
Why does it have to be this way? Is it Over?
I've been dating this guy for 9 months and everything was going great, until recently. We have been fighting over everything. We live 30 minutes away and its a whole mission for him to see me, but he manages to come when he can. Recently he got a job, and today I see him adding all these girls. I ask him about it and he makes a fuss. He then says bye. Later on , I text him a really cute message. Apologizing for earlier & he tells me that he's not gonna buy it...... We decided that we are going to break up after the next big fight. I am trying not to start one, however it seems everything i do is wrong. Without him I feel like i can't breath! I don't wanna lose him. What should I do ?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
It sounds to me more like this guy likes to avoid personal responsibility and that he could be using this woman as a crutch.
Yoga: Why people who practice yoga do not give importance to Yama & Niyama the first 2 aspect of Astanga Yoga?
Some people are interested only in sweets and not sour. Some take sour so that they can take more sweets. Yoga also is taken like a gymnastic performance and not as a part of 'sanyas'. But, a sanyasin should practice yama and niyama as most important than anything. Yama and Niyama are not a part of a 'Yoga' but part of the life-style for day-to-day life as per the advice of our forefathers.
Ive got a lung infection and need honest answers?
obviously the first step would be going to the doctor and getting antibiotics, but to soothe the pain; either drink tea with a few spoons of honey in it or do it with hot milk. that helps for a little while. coughing as well is quite useful.
How much money does the US bring in per day?
Your $3billion per day is static. It does not mean everyday.We have the debt ceiling till August 2,though. We are working as usual. The credit rating is down a little bit from AAA+ to AAA but far away from CCC in the case of Greece.That means there is still no chance of debt default in the case of the US.You should be worrying more about your debts and use the rule 20/10 to manage your debt seriously.
Howcome my heartbeat go off beat?
Randomly my heart will go off beat and it feels like thudding in my chest. Sometimes i get light headed and feel like i'm going to pass out. I often get pale when it happens and i get a shortness of breath. It happens randomly like when riding the bus home. I do not smoke cigarettes. i'm 16 years old and weight 155lbs.
Why is "The Flea" by John Donne a sonnet?
Anyone who describes that poem as a sonnet is mistaken. It has three nine-line stanzas, each rhyming AABBCCDDD. And the lengths of the lines vary in a way that the line lengths in a sonnet do not. Where did you see it described as a sonnet?
What to wear out for a meal?
I'm going out to a birthday tea at the Hogs Breath Cafe, I've never been there before so I was wondering what to wear, I don't want to seem over dressed.
I'm not fat or super fit but i get out of breath easily, why?
I'm skinny but not an exersize maniac, so i don't really do any sports, i have a very healthy diet and i can run easily and when i am running i don't get out of breath, even if i sprint for about a minute, but if i run for even 20 seconds then stop, i get really out of breath. I don't know whether it's because of the cold i have at the moment, or hayfever or whatever. Does anyone know what it could be?
Girl problems...any suggestions?
So i started text this girl a week ago for the first time. We kind of knew each other but I got her number from a friend (which may have been a bad move but whatever). Because school is over im not going to see her in person again until next year (that is if she comes back which she may not). When we did text she seemed kind of bored at some points but she asked me a few questions (which may have just been to be polite idk). Now its been over a week and we havent talked. Would she have initiated a conversation if she wanted to talk? Because she didn't does that mean shes uninterested? And if i should txt her I have no clue what to say (specifics would be helpful. it just doesnt seem like i know her well enough to say hey whats up. and even if i did i dont see how to sustain a conversation after that. so i feel kinda stuck). I feel like the fact that she has my number and hasnt said anything in a week means shes uninterested but idk. Thanks.
Do you tell a landlord about your outdoor cat?
Our cat eats sleeps and breaths outside only. I'm allergic and cannot have her even walk into the house without feeling sick. Question you tell a landlord and have to pay a pet fee for an animal that doesn't ever go into the house?
I believe my puppy has a respiratory infection. he is on two different meds but now he cant breathe.?
Should I take him back to the vet? They thought he might have had puppy distemper but tried to rule it out with the infection. It's been about 2 weeks on meds and he is more playful but still lethargic. Now he is gasping for breath and while sleeping he shakes with every breath of air, like its hard to breathe. He cries all the time too. I just feel like the vet doesn't know what's wrong with him.
Christians, if we should thank God before each meal should we also not pray before each breath we take?
Isn't oxygen just as much of a gift from Him? It seems to be that you're all being thoroughly ungrateful.
He figured out my love poem was for him!?
Beautiful poem : ) and no your poem doesn't state that you like him because it could be about anybody
Does anyone have any disfigurement you live with that cannot be fixed with surgery?
i have a hump on my back a scoliosis as the docs call it,i had TB when i was 3 years old i am now 55 and have had the piss taken out of me all my life,but its only now starting to affect my life so badly as its trapping a nerve witch in turn is affecting my lower body,i cannot feel my legs properly or hips am in pain from morning till night i take loads of pills that only just take some pain away and i no longer work as i cannot walk more than 50 yards without being in so much pain it makes me cry,i wish i just had your problem,i would feel like a new man.
What can i expect? Going to court for rear end collision..?
Many of these insurance companies are always ripping you off at every chance they get. I had ONE accident in which the damage was smaller than the deductible, so I for it myself. But when I had to renew my policy, they charged me extra. It's absolutely rediculous. I had to change, luckily, I found this info here: and was able to quickly find the lowest rate currently with the same policy. I think I dropped my rate by around $180
Do U know, where is the Abode of God?
Yes, the abode of gods is the imagination of mankind, considering they are all fictional characters.
Do you like this sonnet I wrote?
I have not used this structure before and it sounds nice. I should be trying this one out soon. “vainly” is suggestive of the Roman view of Ulysses or Odysseus. I don’t know what a Swigger is but the sound likewise gives a negative connotation perhaps describing the winey and flailing sea which the speaker, misunderstood, braves because of her beauty. Yes I like this poem…a lot.
Why do I constantly have thick [ MUCOUS ] stuck in my { throat }? And how can I resolve this? PLEASE HELP!!!!?
The fact that you are taking Micinex daily with little change, makes me wonder if you do not have a bronchial infection due to the fact that your mucus is a dark yellow. Mucus should be clear. I recommend that you see a pulmonary or respiratory specialist to determine the cause of the dark mucus. Of course, this is under the assumption that you are not so foolish as to be a smoker which would put you at a much higher risk.
What does it mean if when you breath, your chest hurts?
I know someone who has one of their ribs pop out of place periodically and causing pain like you describe. They go for massages to keep this in check. Perhaps this is something you would want to look into.
I was watching a piece on the nightly news about a store where everything is "Made in America"?
No good economist is against international trade. Look up Comparative Advantage: a theory of David Ricardio's.
Resolving a medical bill from an injury caused by a doctor?
Can you threaten legal action against a doctor to have a medical bill written off? I sustained a nerve injury as a direct result of prolonged 2nd stage of labor, causing me to be hospitalized for 5 days after the vaginal birth because I could not walk. I lost my full time job and insurance because I was replaced while on disability. I am on unemployment and medicaid now as a result of everything that happened. I think its morally the right thing to do for them to write off this bill. There was also a HIPAA violation, the midwife discussed my labor with my coworker at a softball game the day after the delivery. Also considered filing a complaint on that but would be willing to let it go if they write off my bill.
Pressure in my chest?
Sometimes i feel pressure in my chest and sometimes pain usually after I eat, I also sometimes feel short of breath, I think it might be heart burn but im not sure. Heart disease does run in my family and I don't eat very healthy but I am also skinny and 15 so I doubt it is a sign of heart attack. Does anyone know what it is and is it normal?
What do you guys think of my book so far?
It's kinda boring, I stopped reading after about the second or third line. It's sounds like a diary entry. If someone gets bored that early, how are people going to get interested?
Why wouldn't my daughter's father, my ex, call in for his first Father's Day :\?
who tha ***** does tht ***** wit ur ex think she is? maaaan, i wood have ta let her kno her place, ***** betta recognize tht it's none of her bizness wht goes on between u, ur ex, and HIS daughter. i applaud u for filing for child support, he needs to grow sum bawls and stop lettin tht so called woman run him, she need to grow tha ***** up. matter fact take her dumb *** to court too for harassment, save those text messages too or anything else she sends u. write down the day and wht she did to harass u if u can't get it in a text or recording, make sure u got witnesses too. tht ***** lossed her gotdamn mind tryna come between a father and HIS daughter. she dont even love him cuz if she did she wouldnt try to keep him away frm his seed, and he's an even larger b!tchass idiot for allowing it.
Are there rules to writing poetry?
i mean are there guidelines you have to follow...I've seen ABAB don't know what that means though, and sonnets and what not. i just wright whatever comes to my head most parts ryhme and go together and some not but still fit. i don't know if i should be following some kind of guidelines.
Is my boyfriend only telling me what I want to hear or does he mean what he says?
My boyfriend of 4 months is nice, understanding, we go on dates, and we're pretty mutually give-and-take. He still opens car doors and he took his time dating me. He is not experienced and seems to think a relationship is sustained on one or two days a week of seeing each other. Then he plays video games for hours. He does work a lot and he is taking summer classes so maybe I should let it slide? Truth is he flunked out of an expensive university and now is in community college and his dad has restrictions on him for curfews, studying, even texting or having me over. Apparently my boyfriend really messed up and probably hasn't grown up. Me on the other hand I'm excelling and my gpa went up 5 points this year. College and relationships come naturally. I do love him and I have talked to him and he insists he really likes me and that if there was a problem he would tell me. I have had two talks with him where I have given him a chance to confess problems and he doesn't. I don't think he gets how relationships work as he seemed really inexperienced when we first started dating. We have been dating at the same pace for the entire relationship so I'm just thinking maybe he doesn't need to see me so much. Should I just let him go at his pace and hope that when we both go to university we can have a free and real relationship? I just feel like breaking up would be a mistake. He has done special things like cook me dinner, and supported me... talks to me most nights, and never gets angry with me. I've met his family and friends.
What Is The Meaning of Life?
Earth can be a cruel place my friend, but prosparity and survival are human traits. Its normal to be down but theres a big world out there, dont let it keep you down buddy.
Infantry divisions that would have been in clark's army?
He was probably attached to the 15 Army Group, in N. Italy in 1943. If you have his discharge papers, you can get more info. from Wash. DC.
Kidney stone, or growing pains?
Hi! do you have any urinary symptoms or a family history of kidney stones? it seems more like a pulled muscle or some thing related to hip bone, watch your symptoms carefully, if there is intense ,sharp, pain ,then its something alarming, and also the relation of your pain ,with different body postures,like when you get up from sleep, a sudden rotation ,bending etc.
Air bubbles? Concern?
So I can lay certain ways mostly when I'm on my side and its not all the time but I can feel what feels like bubbles in my lower abdomen. I am 39 weeks today. I'm being induce tomorrow night but I'm just curious what it is. It feels weird and CAN be aggravating but in the same breath I want to make sure its normal. Anyone else experience this?
Can somebody help me write a 10 syllable 14 lines pentameter sonnet for my English class. Please help me D:?
It does not have to be Iambic but it has to be pentameter. It cannot be plagiarized or copied from anywhere please. Thanks so much for helping me out! (:
What type of poem is "one inch tall" by shel silverstein?
like is it free verse, limerick, sonnet, narrative, lyric, epic, i honestly dont know and im really desperate i need it for a school project asap!
Always Congested in chest? No Mucus?
For almost a month now i've had a congestion feeling in the middle of where my pectorals are and a feeling of mucus is in my throat. I'm not wheezing, coughing, or having shortage of breath, but i feel like there's something IN my lungs like mucus but when I force a cough or try to clear my throat i get nothing at all. I went on 2 weeks of antibiotics and they helped a little but not much, I drink tea basically every morning and night, and I took OTC meds (Claritin and Mucenex) and they make me feel like mucus is broken up and i can cough it out, there's still nothing coming out, so i don't know what is the matter with me. I do have allergies/asthma but both are pretty well controlled for the most part, and my father smokes so could that cause anything?
How many people can this country sustain?
The open-border people keep advocating freer borders. I just wonder; How many people do they really think this country could really sustain
I need incentives to try to find someone to marry?
Up until the past year or so, I wanted to fall in love. Now I realize that it's better to just focus on trying to sustain a relationship despite the lack of these feelings. I need some incentives -- what are the reasons that marriage is better than being single (without love and attraction, of course).
Thursday, July 14, 2011
How to build endurance? I have none now. :(. ?
Its exactly the same for me. I'm trying to start small. Like add a little length to my run each day. It becomes a little easier each day
ALL RELIGIONs-----What is best time period for practice of meditating on Name of God and purification of mind?
The best time is always. I'll tell you how you can do it always. You always have time ti think to yourself, why don't you make those thoughts a conversation with God. Meditating on the things as you do them will really help you out. Think good thoughts instead of nothing because the devil will fill that blank space with evil if it is not filled with God's word.
Does anybody recognize this poem/sonnet?
Basically long time ago in english class we had a book filled with poetry and sonnets and one of them has always influenced my thoughts on politics basically it went along the lines of a man sitting at home with his yams, the first day a van arrives taking away his neighbors but he was safe okay and had his yams, the second day they came for his friend, but he was okay and safe and had his yams and it goes on until eventually they knock on his door
Toxic breath help me?
Recently I have had extremeley toxic eggy breath. I have no friends and I have stopped eating smelly foods. My breath smells so eggy. Help?!
Some scientists believe God, or some kind of supernatural being, does exist: Your thoughts?
Most scientists do not believe in gods. Life adapted to given circumstances, not the other way around. You "put the cart before the horse" with such bad reasoning. Earth's orbit varies by about four million miles in the course of a solar year. The placement of the earth was not done by any creator. The life on earth just adapts itself to the conditions on the earth. Your bad reasoning is comparable to saying water was created in a cylindrical form to fit glasses and cups that have such shapes. Actually, water adapts its shape to its container, and life adapts to the conditions it finds. Scientists have recreated some steps in abiogenesis. "Chance" is not a proper word for laws of nature. Who created the "intelligent creator"? If you just claim your idea of a creator always existed, it is more logical to just say the universe always existed. You are blindly repeating ridiculous straw man arguments invented by creationists. Straw men = lies! Scientists do not claim "chance" created anything.
Orbital fat loss causes?
Maybe you are allergic to something? Have you tried changing your environment for a few days to see if anything changes?
What do you think of the sonnet I wrote?
Ha I don't really appreciate you putting the link for this on my question while NOT ANSWERING IT, but I have to admit you're a talented writer and I enjoyed the rhythm of your sonnet. It flowed well. Next time don't use my question as an advertising vessel please! Well done. :3
Do I have a blood clot in my lung?
Dont panic. That just makes it worse. You just have anxiety attacks like I did. I started taking vitamins the kind that have B complex vitamins in them and it started to calm me down. There are alot of vitamins, teas and even milk that relax you. Milk has magnesium in it and I had to take magnesium once for my blood pressure. It totally relaxes the blood vessels and I was so relaxed, didn't worry about anything. But see your doctor and ask him to recommend a vitamin thats right for you especially one that relaxes you. Usually your oxygen level fluctuates because of your nervousness so if you relax your just breathing naturally and if you had a blood clot doctors would tell you. If your worried about that drink welchs concord grape juice. dont record your oxygen level. That just makes things worse. dont check it. Get out and go powerwalking, some music on an ipod, draw and paint, or write. Good Luck.
Favorite Poems by Foreign Authors?
Russia. As an appendix to "Doctor Zhivago" is a set of poems, attributed to Yuri, but, of course, written by Boris Pasternak. Pasternak was famous for his poetry long before "Doctor Zhivago" was written. His poem "Hamlet" and "A Candle Burning" are two good ones to review. "Hamlet" is written to portray the oncoming revolution, with allusions to The Garden of Gethsemane. "A Candle Burning" is another sign of the upcoming turmoil, felt by Zhivago in the first part of the novel.
Girl problems.. any suggestions?
So i started text this girl a week ago for the first time. We kind of knew each other but I got her number from a friend (which may have been a bad move but whatever). Because school is over im not going to see her in person again until next year (that is if she comes back which she may not). When we did text she seemed kind of bored at some points but she asked me a few questions (which may have just been to be polite idk). Now its been a week and we havent talked. Would she have initiated a conversation if she wanted to talk? Because she didn't does that mean shes uninterested? And if i should txt her I have no clue what to say (specifics would be helpful. it just doesnt seem like i know her well enough to say hey whats up. and even if i did i dont see how to sustain a conversation after that. so i feel kinda stuck) Thanks.
How to hold my breath longer underwater?
hey. so im not a pro swimmer or anything, im not even on a team. i just really enjoy swimming for fun. i love the feeling of being underwater but i can only hold my breath for like 10-15 seconds underwater. how do i improve my lung capacity and make it so that i can stay underwater for longer? any help, tips, or excersices to help would be appreciated. thank you. sally
"It is what it is"? What is your opinion on this phrase?
From my perspective "it is what it is" has more or less the connotation you mention, but the piece you are missing is that it also is that people tend to romanticize or think about situations in a more favorable light than reality. Its not always about avoiding trying but sometimes about avoiding believe the situation is what it is.
I've noticed myself holding my breathe and forgetting to breathe?
Over the past few months, i've noticed myself holding my breath or forgetting to breath, but not on purpose. I've read that it can be an anxiety thing, and I understand that, but I'm never really anxious when it happens. When i'm upset, angry, nervous, etc. I know I hold my breath, that's intentional. But when it happens now, I could be doing something as simple as typing, washing the dishes, or laying in bed. I just wanted to know if theres a real reason for this. It's honestly more annoying than it is anything else. I just wanted some answers. Any ways, let me know if anyone knows something! Thanks!
Vampire-Vey: Have you ever been the victim of a "mental vampire" or a "psychic vampire?"?
I have been targeted by sociopaths before. I didn't give them what they wanted and they lost interest. Me = generally immune to that sort of sh!t, since I had experience with sociopathy in a couple of my relationships when younger.
Girls, see what I ve done with him, its a normal thing to happens?
yesterday I was fighting in a joking way with my friend, then I accidently kikced him in the nuts, he kinda lost his breath, his eyes rolled, and got paralized for 4 secnds and went on his knees without being able to speak properly, he almost cry. Was the first time that I saw a grown up man cry . I couldnt beleive that one kick could make him like that. its that normal to haapens with guys? any stories?
Split lip injury - help?
just keep an eye on it, because its inside your mouth you need to keep it clean. use a little hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip to dab it twice a day for next two days.. should be fine after that, learn to block your face a little better buddy...
How much do you think this dent will cost to repair?
More than that turd is worth. Shoulda jumped on the "cash for clunkers" deal they had going on. Could be worse, it could be a Saturn.
Can a doctor do this?
Doesnt sound like the injury was very severe. I think you should just avoid that person form now on.
Italian Sonnet....can anyone help?
I have to write an Italian sonnet for my online english 12 course, and I'm having the hardest time writing one! I'm not very creative. Can someone write one for me, or atleast give me an idea on what to write about? It would be greatly appreciated.
How do you get rid of stinky kitten breath?
I think kitten breath is the cutest thing ever!!! I wish it lasted longer; why would you want to get rid of it???
My fish is leaning on one side and the back side of his tail fin seems limp?
I just changed his water, but now he's sticking very close to the bottom of the tank. He's leaning to one side, and his tail fin is kind of dragging along the bottom. He also looks like he's gasping for breath. Help?
My problem with singing?
I think i have a nice voice when i sing with the song, as in i can match the tone rhythm and speed of the singing pieces of the song. But when i go to sing without music its as if ive never heard the song, my voice gets all rough and harsh and sometimes even cracks when i run out of breath and i have to hold a note. So i can sing well, but only with the music, any suggestions on how i can sing without needing the music? (By the way i do practice)
My sister has been ignoring me lately?
My sister is 16 and I am almost 14. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, but for the past couple of months she's been really distant and ignoring me. I think part of it is because even though I am at a healthy weight, I am always worried about my weight and she doesn't want to get involved in that. I was anorexic last year, and I almost relapsed recently, but I remained a healthy weight. One big reason she is ignoring me is because there is this girl in her grade who is her new best friend. She is always on the phone with her, laughing and chatting, and doesn't respond to me at all. Yesterday, she was on the phone with her, and I said, "Hey, Leah (let's pretend her name is Leah), where did you put my boots?" and she'd not even look at me but would continue her conversation. And then when she's not talking to her new best friend, she's really distant. Like today, when she woke up this morning, I gave her a huge hug and she shrugged me off. Then I said "I love you," and when she didn't reply, I said "Leah, I said 'I love you'," and then she blew up at me saying "GOSH, why don't you just chill out!? You're so annoying." I don't know what to do anymore. She is my only close friend. I have many friends at school, but they all get on my nerves and so I rely on her to sustain my social life.
My girlfriend says its bad that i dont get the chills! IS IT?
Tell her you get a warm fuzzy feeling between your legs and that's a better feeling than the chills. Then kiss her sensuously. Hopefully, she'll get the drift.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Social studies case study topic help : saving resources?
All around the world there are many individuals and groups who have worked towards saving resources and the planet. Naming a few would do injustice to the others. Day in and day out, as people have started realizing the importance of saving the planet from degrading, masses are coming together to do their bit to save the planet and make it greener and healthier a place to live in.
Does anyone know where this phrase comes from a movie ?
"There is a natural order. The way things are meant to be. An order that says "the good guys will always win". That you die when its your time, or you had it coming. And that the ending is always happy, if only for someone else. Now at some point it became clear to me that my path had been chosen, and that I had nothing to offer the world. My options were narrowed down to petty crime and minimum wage. So, I stepped off the path, and went looking for the fortune that was looking for me. Once off the path, you do what you can to eat. Keep moving. Don't blow a ghost of a chance with nickel and dime. No possessions, no comforts. Need is the ultimate monkey. A pint of your blood can fetch you fifty bucks. A shot of ***, three grand. If you keep your life simple, you can literally self sustain. I don't want your forgiveness. I won't make excuses. I'm not going to blame you, even if you are an accessory. But I will not accept your natural order. I didn't come for absolution. I didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't that the way it is? Every god damn time. Your prayers are always answered... In the order in which they are received."
Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?
Well I Think he was gonna ask u out he just had thoughts and just chickened out, yeah guys do make excuses to talk to girls they like just cuz they dont know how to start a conversAation with a girl, its complicated but i say keep flirting, u should tell him how u feel.
How to tweak my thesis statement?
Think about trees and atmosphere or about destruction of habitats as related to human health. What could you use to support these?
I think I have a mental disorder. How can I tell my mum?
You have so many good things ahead for you. Talk to mom and revisit the therapist, you have to tell them everything if you want their help. The boyfriend you had was a jerk and you probably dated him for the wrong reasons. Stay off facebook until your in a better state of mind. you need to forgive yourself and start loving yourself.
How to meditate properly......................…
how to stop racing thoughts in to observe to pass away to down chatter in my mind.....plz help me...thanx...
Should I turn him in to the cops? What should I do?
I know this guy in his 40's through this forum a few months ago. I was asking a question about how to get started on some acting/modelling career, which has always been my dream. He told me he has some connection and we stayed in touch. He was just a really nice, funny, harmless guy and became a bit of a mentor to me. We even went on cam a few times just for fun. He was never really creepy (he did compliment my look in a nice fatherly way) and I guess since I never got to know my dad well (my parents are divorced since I was like 5) he kinda filled the void. We just got really close and he came to visit me yesterday night. When I got in the car I noticed that he wasn't wearing any pants/bottom. It was just totally gross and I was soo scared. I thought he was gonna rape me or something. And he was soo creepy. I ran outta the car during a red light and didn't dare turning back. I'm still kinda outta breath. I checked my email just now and there are at least 10 letters of apologies sitting there. I'm just so heartbroken. I don't wanna answer him but I don't wanna turn him in to the cops either. What should I do?
How come guitarists rarely do bends anymore?
That little pussy crap electro tech **** is replacing all the guitarist it's just a new era let it pass rock n roll and guitarists will be back to number 1
So the cause-effect rationality that separates man from chimps is just an evolutionary co-incidence?
You fit precisely into the cosmos because it was an evolutionary advantage for your ancestors to do so.
Is my husband taking drugs?
Try posting your question to the "Health" category, sub-category "Mental Health" on yahoo answers. You should get more informed answers. This is the "Food & Beverage" category. My guess is he has low tolerance to alcohol or did use some type of drug.
What's wrong with me? I keep turning down guys who ask me out?
Personally i think you should wait until the right guy comes along as is sounds to me you are scared of commitment and want to just have fun. You are still young and you should maybe just stick to your studies for the time being
Army Basic Training Sustained Running Ability Group?
OK, so I am going off to basic in a little less than two months. I understand that there is a reception week where they put everyone in sustained running ability groups. I was wondering what ability group would I be classified under: I am an 18 year old female (will be 19 at the time I leave), 5' tall, 116 lbs, and my 1 mile run time is 8 minutes 29 seconds (used to be over 10 minutes but I have indeed improved).
Viral: Cold + Stomach cramp?
I am suffering from Viral fever and cold. Medicine prescribed to me makes me feel too drowsy. I have also noticed that after taking antibiotics I start getting cramps in my stomach. This both issues make it terrible to sustain in work. Pls Help. (Ps. I am also taking B-complex capsule – 1/day)
Is my husband taking drugs?
Have patience. Please wait and watch. Consult a professionally qualified doctor. If necessary take your husband also to the doctor.
Why did Shakespeare number his sonnets? What do they indicate/represent?
Why did he number his sonnets? And say if he numbered it sonnet 18 or something, what does that mean? Does it mean its like the 18th one he wrote? Thanks!
"I don't understand something and need clarity. People..on here, friends, family are telling >>see below?
Only one word causes this.....TECHNOLOGY. The more technology imporves - the fewer people are needed to work........and none of this has anything to do with obtaining a job you'd love to work at.
Osteoprosis and the Army?
I enlisted into the army and went I to basic training. I'm a 24 year old female ,5'6" 146lbs. A few weeks into basic I sustained bilateral stress fractures in both knees (the tops of my tibia) and also in my left foot all at once, for no apparent reason. Nothing more than the regular pt and courses everyone was going through. I'm in the reserve, so my unit recalled me from active duty back to my home unit for six months or until medically cleared to return to training. Now upon being evaluated further i am being told it would appear that I am to be diagnosed with osteoporosis, possible due to being on the depo provera birth control shot for an extended period of time. My question is, does anyone knows what happens now? Will I be separated? Am I likely to get disability for my injuries if so? Will I continue to receive medical care for the injuries I sustained in basic (already written into my LOD report) if they discharge me? I am so very lost now... I never thought this was going to be a possibility, and it's taking forever for anyone to give me any kind of useful information, any help would be appreciated.
My boyfriend gets angry all the time - PLEASE HELP?
I really need some advice. My boyfriend always seems to get angry and usually over small or weird things, and I don't know what to do. Like today, for example, we went grocery shopping. We barely had any groceries and he started freaking out about paying for it, but in a sort of passive aggressive way - mumbling about it, talking under his breath, but not telling me exactly what he was saying when I asked. I offered to help pay, but he wouldn't let me because he knew it upset me when I used to have to pay for everything last summer. So I didn't really know what to do, so I told him he could go get my debit card out of the car if he wanted. He refused and started becoming really angry and saying "this happens everytime we go grocery shopping" as if it was my fault, but it clearly wasn't . So I went to go sit in the car while he paid for it because it was starting a fight, and when he gets in the car, he says this, without emotion, "I'm sorry, although you probably hate me." And after this stuff happens he always sighs and stuff all sadly. Nothing I've done works. And PLEASE don't tell me to break up with him and find a real man, because that won't help either of us, and that's not love. Thank you.
Ok, I am a 18 year old male and I masturbateed?
quote alot over the past i dont know maybe 4 to 5 years and now I dont know if Im suffering from ED I mean I can get it up and sustain an erection but from time to time I can't but its a on and off thing like if i dont masterbate for a day then I could definitley go at it, but if I masterbate I might have to wait a few hours before being able to fufill an erecte can anybody tell me the symptoms of ED cause I heard that having ED you cant get it up PERIOD wich I can so I dont think im suffering; I would hink it more so of an anxiety attack cause this is my bestfriend turned girlfriend i've been trying to have sex with
How to meditate...........?
how to stop racing thoughts in to observe to pass away to down chatter in my mind.....plz help me...thanx...
Why do i get over excited sometimes?
Okay so like when im textin or something and my friend tells me something like this guy I really like likes me back then all of a sudden I get excited and I hold my breath and start suckin in air threw my nose if that makes any sense? And I start to make this high pitch squeal and I start shaking for like 5 seconds. I have NOO idea why I do it! But I really want to know like is this some type of over excitment disorder? Or am I just ****** weird? Also im 16 years old
What are these dreams called?
So, when I was 11 I had these dreams for about a month straight, every night to the point where I wouldn't sleep for days because I was so scared of them. There's really no way to explain them, but... OK, so when I fall asleep, I heard a strange noise, like complete silence but with sort of nails against chalkboard, like my ears are going to burst. Then, I open my eyes in the dream, and I'm usually laying excactly where I fell asleep. Sometime's I'll see a scary tall shadow standing at the foot of my bed, and sometimes I'll see nothing but feel like someone going to pop out and stab me. ._. I can't move in these dreams, not at all. I've tried moving, but it hurts and it's pretty much impossible. My parents tell me I talk in these dreams and make moaning noises, and I always wake up with my heart racing and one time I woke up and couldn't breathe and almost had to be rushed to the E.R. In these dreams, I feel like I can barely breath. I try to breath regular, but I can't. It's so hard. I try to just close my eyes and drift into another sleep in these dreams, but the irritating noise and odd feeling in the atmosphere in the dream always deter me. I'm 13 and I'm starting to get these dreams again. I can wake up voluntarily from these dreams by squeezing my eyes as tight as I can in the dream and then opening them. When I was 11, I remember reading something about these dreams, a wife writing about her husband always having the same types of dreams I'm having. He couldn't move in the dream, he was scared in the dream, and he woke up with a fast heart and sometimes couldn't breath. These dreams are extremely scary... you can't feel what I'm talking about unless you have one. It's one of the scariest things ever. It feels like your a tiny rabbit with starving wolves behind every tree while you're in a forest. I'm so scared of them, but I try to think of other things before I fall into sleep but they always pop up. I have always had the weirdest dreams, but these are just plain odd and scary. Help?
Breathing under water dream?
This is the fifth time I had a dream that I could breath under water. Every time it happens, I'm pushed into a pool and I take a deep breath in as I'm going deeper under water. Is there a meaning behind this or should I not be worried about it?
What is the meaning of the poem "To an empty page" ?
The poet is Robert Pack. It's an echo sonnet. This is for an essay I have to do. So please help me out.
"It is what it is" What is your opinion?
The phrase CAN mean that the situation is unchangeable. It can also mean that one must deal with a situation as it is, not as we might have it be. But in the circumstances that disturb you the most, it is being used as a dismissive...a way of simply dropping the subject.
When was Sonnet 01 by Elizabeth Browning written?
Can't seem to find it on google. Any ideas? It's Sonnet 01, or "I Thought Once How Theocritus Had Sung"
How do i keep my kitten cool?
i have a 2 month old kitten and i want to know how to keep him cool because it's really hot in my house he doesn't drink a lot of water. i tried wetting him a little but he gets angry and goes to sleep under the bed and he doesn't really like the fan. he sometimes breath really fast when he sleeps should i be worried? he acts like he usually does. a while ago he meowed a lot but then i found out he got mad at the flies that got into my house he tries to kill the flies but can't
Need good business ideas?
I'm looking to start my own business but I need ideas. I don't really care about high profits, but that would be nice. Primarily I want a business that, when started, is self sustaining. By that I mean it has a good demand and won't really run out of business and doesn't require lots of work. I know, I sound lazy, but I have other priorities and business already I have to deal with
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My 9 day old puppy's stomach feels a little bloated, whimpers a lot, and breaths kind of funny?
He has a brother that we can compare to, and he is not having the same issues. The puppy's tummy feels a little bloated, it squeaks more than whimpers (it acts like its in discomfort). The breathing is fast and kind of forced as if you felt too full to breath so its taking short quick breaths. It has moments when it is calm and sleeps, but then will start crawling aimlessly and making that whining sound. There are no other physical signs of issues, it looks healthy, eats, and doesn't seem to be at a loss of energy. It has always been a little whiny but it seems to be getting obvous that something is wrong. I've talked to the vet, and we plan to take him in the morning if things dont get better. Does anyone know of things that we can try to find out what is wrong, or to solve the problem? Our guesses are; bloated from eating too much too fast, colic, something to do with worms (we've heard), or constipation. PLEASE HELP!
English/Shakespearian sonnets?
What are they? On wiki it says that shakespearian sonnet consists of 14 verses, each being an iambic pentameter, but "two households, both alike in dignity" isn't iambic pentameter. I am novice when it comes to sonnets, any help appreciated.
Is my apartment for this injury I sustained?
Yes they are. They have a responsibility to be certain that the lights are on during the evening where there are steps. I suggest that you contact the law school at your university and see if they will represent you in their pro bono program.
Why is abortion right or wrong?
A pre-born child isn't "potential" anything. He/she is a human being. He/she does have a beating heart by the time his/her mother knows she is pregnant. And that heart is pumping his/her blood, not the mother's blood. A sperm or egg is a cell of the father or mother's body. Once they combine, the resulting cell is not the father's cell or the mother's cell. It is the first cell of their son or daughter's body.
Severe pain after tooth extraction?
You are not a wuss. This is common in many people after tooth extraction. Be kind to your mouth and let it heal and you will get well. Taking antibiotic is a good thing to rule out infection.
What kind of Respiratory problem is this?
some random times of a day i'll feel like i can't breathe and i need to constantly yawn until i get a nice satisfiying breath..during these times it feels kind of like not enough air is going in my lungs...i was diagnosed with asthma but i really don't think that's what this happen/ alot when i'm in bed and when i start to fall asleep, sometimes i jerk awake because i get scared that i'll stop breathing.
The ADHD part might have a small part in it, the clingyness part sounds a little familiar with that. But overall I think you are just in love, and as one other person said, don't be stalkerish.
Is this a sonnet of sorts?
yes it is a sonnet , because it has 10 syllables per line (except for the 1st) and 14 lines , and the last two lines are a couplet . the rhyme scheme is also abab-cdcd-efef-gg .
Is there a sonnet, elegy or ode about pride?
I need a poem for my english assignment about Romeo and Juliet. I am being Tybalt and talking about how proud I am to be a Capulet so I need a sonnet, an elegy or an ode about this. Does anyone know one?
I have my mouth very bitter it does not matter what I eat my mouth has bad breath and bitter?
I wash my mouth two times a day and I use that thing to clean my tongue but I have some pimples on tongue, after I clean start bleeding also I have very bad breath and my mouth is usually bitter.. I do not have any cavities on my tooth's, that's mean is something else is wrong my my mouth? If some one can tell me what to do?
Afghans responsible for the security of their country by 2014? Really?
Is the US commander in chief living in on a different planet or what? how can they possibly replace and sustain similar numbers of troops, if the most advanced countries of the world are not willing or able to do so?
What keeps an electric current going in a circuit?
I understand that that the two ends of the conducting wire being connected to the positive and negative sides of a load cause the electrons of the wire to be rushed from one end of the wire to the other, but what sustains the current? Why don't all the electrons stop once they meet the positive side and collect there? In other words, why does the current continue after all the electrons have made it to the positive end of the load for the first time?
What if we became an isolationist country, again?
Thats like saying why dont I not go outside because if I do I might get hit by a car. If a country doesnt involve itself with the rest of the world, how great a country is it really?
Any thoughts on the Obama Administration's plan for global extermination?
What a stupid twoofer. Seriously go to bed twoofer. Troofers are the lowest life forms on earth. If troofers were dogs we would have put them down already.
Need help with English Literature?
Why is the speaker of "Sonnet -To Science" annoyed with science? What does science do that the poet does not like? Note the personification and gendering of Science as a woman ("daughter of old Time").
I was watching a piece on the nightly news about a store where everything is "Made in America"?
Of course if it is made in America then that means jobs for our people.We should have a heavy import tax on anything made outside of the USA .Think of the job that can be created.
What should I do about my academic suspension?
I need advice on what I should do. During my first semester at Binghamton university I didnt work as hard as I could have, got a GPA below 2.0 and was placed on academic probation. The second semester I worked much harder, but I got sick and missed a very important week of class which led to poor test scores that I couldnt recover from. As a result I was placed on academic suspension. I tried to appeal it and just found out that they sustained the appeal. Should I try to call them and convince them to change their mind? I have been working very hard on summer courses and am sure that my GPA would be above a 2.0 by the end of the summer. Would it be possible to transfer to another SUNY school for the fall or is it too late, and would they allow it?
I have to write a sonnet for english?
My sonnet has to rhyme (which im not very good at) no obscence language. i have to read it infront of the class! i have to somehow pull in 3 charachters from romeo and julite, and/or to kill a mocking bird. 3 words per line. please dont write this for me, can you just give me some tips exampels, ect? greatly appreciated! thanks in advance(:
What could be the reason i feel like this?
What could be a reason that i feel out of breath even if im just sitting here. I also get really lightheaded when i stand up. im not over weight or anything. i exercise a little bit but not a whole not. and im 16
To sustain pensions, the US will need to raise taxes by $1,398 per household every year for the next 30 years?
Precisely why unions should never be allowed in the public sector. If I did not get a say in hiring them why the hell should I have to pay their pensions.
How did the economy of Detroit have a downturn with the collapse of the automobile industry?
I live in Detroit, and my father worked for one of the big 3 auto company's. In Detroit a lot of people find work in the automotive industry. When everything went down hill there were mass amounts of lay offs, and to my understanding it was a ripple affect. All the people who worked for the automotive industry did not have the money to go out to eat, or buy things they once bought, so the surrounding businesses fell after them. There are a lot of people who have gone back to school to get out of the automotive industry as well as a lot of people who moved out of state. Detroit lost a lot of population in the 2010 census. I do not think that Japans Auto industry was a main factor in the collapse of Detroit's industry. The engineers working for the auto industry had been in there for a while, some like my dad for 26 years, had just been getting paid more and more money, and eventually the company's could not afford to pay all of their employees, thus causing the lay-offs. Like I said I think it really had a lot to do with the fact that so many people lost their jobs working for these company's. I by no means know that these are the actual facts or reasons, but I did live through it all, so hopefully it points you in the right direction.
What are some strong words that rhyme with skin?
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Lucid dream: have i done it before?
A lucid dream means that you know when you are dreaming. all of these things that you are experiencing are normal. It happens to me a lot when I dream. It is your brain creating feelings for you without your control. It might have something to do with what is bothering you currently. For example, when I lost my retainer when I first had it, that night I dreamed that my teeth were moving and it was extremely painful in the dream. Hope this helps.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Could you read these words and comment?
No, its not finished. Start with evening the lines in beats. You have some awkward phrasing (welcome to the club): 'for it is I to', 'so long have I for to rest' for example. Not too sold on your third stanza. Nice build up to it though. If you want the ending couplet to stand and say you're gone, then maybe more of the reasoning why in the third, unless I am reading it wrong.
Thoughts?!?! ANY?!?!?!?
What was What was William Shakespeare's mos influential play(s) and/or sonnet(s) besides Macbeth? What is your opinion?
Does not the result of the recent elections to the state Assembly in Tamil Nadu.......?
indicate clearly that the political parties in India can not continue to take the people of the country for granted and that they now know pretty well the value and power of their votes and that they won't hesitate to punish the wrong doers ? Is not it a clear warning to the political parties that they can not afford to fool the people for ever ?.Will the people sustain this effort of inflicting the severe punishment of dumping the corrupt political parties lock stock and barrel into the garbage can ? Don't you think that the political parties now in the saddle of power are themselves working very hard on their way out ?
Can a planet have a figure-8 orbit path around a binary star system?
I have an orbital mechanics simulator program on my computer and the orbit I described appears to be a stable... I let it run for hundreds of "years" and it's still going strong. Can this happen in reality? Such a planet can even sustain life if the stars are far enough away. I would love to sit in a planetarium and see the sky on such a planet at various points in the year.
Do you believe humanity is worthless?
Without humanity, it'd be pretty hard to feel accepted. There'd be a smaller chance of survival and hardly any technology. Humans would hardly be distinguishable from animals if we didn't live together. Earth was created for us to live on it. I don't think you've appreciated how far humans have come, and how much they have done on this Earth. What have you done for this Earth that's so great?
Was Shakespeare ever meant to be read?
That sounds brilliant to me. Shakespeare was always meant to be watched and hear, not read. And while I believe that it is important to learn about his works, your idea seems like a great solution to help students understand better.
Micky mouse and Minnie mouse?
I have to write a sonnet about Minnie and Mikey, can you guys help me out by giving me some words that describe them and their relationship
Is government meant to be like the theater?
No, becuase it is boring boring boring. As for admissions, it would be more like charging to use television, seeings how everyone pays.
Gallbladder healing process?
So on the 15th of this month I got my gallbladder removed they did the surgery where they make the tiny incisions. I was wondering if anyone experienced any itching sensation on the incisions and if that's normal also a coupld of the bandages came off already so its just scabs now but there is a small faint of redness around my scabs. Just wondering if that's normal as well. Oh and I have no fever no shortness of breath or anything else that's affecting my health.
please write me an original sonnet (anything thats unpublished) about something that you love.. it can be anything appropriate .. btw a sonnet is a poem with 14 lines, 10 syllables per line and rhymes. thank you!
What do you think of my "Mix Tape"?
Thats so sweet! I love the songs and the order you put them in. I think its perfect and you should definately guve that to her
Book list that needs titivating :)?
I've heard that the #1 book to read when hoping to improve vocabulary is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
My freind Alice says if you hold your breath cross your legs and think of something very very hot?
It's only true because you're holding your breath. When you hold your breath your body gets hotter and you sweat because of lack of oxygen. The other stuff is nonsense.
Do I have anxiety problems?
It's hard to explain but like I just get worried that I am going to get a anxiety attack than I get one.... And what happens when I get one is that like i like feel that I'm going to pass out, it gets hard to breath like theres to much air in my Chest and I feel dizzy and lightheaded and it doesn't go away for atleast 4 to 5 hours! :( it's really scary and I don't know what to do! I'm not sure weather I should wAit a while to see if it gets better or talk to my parents about goig on medication for it like anti depresses can anybody help me please! Like any advice?
I feel it hard to breath for some reason?
i everyone in my family used to have asthma but they loose it and never come back i have been asthma free for 7 years and i wanted to know is this my anxiety and hypochondriac or can i have a asthma attack out of no where also can i get asthma back out of no reason
Will drinking make my breath smell?
I'm 17 years old in Victoria, Australia (the legal drinking age is 16 here) and my friends are hosting a party which will have a bit of booze in it. I don't want to get super drunk like they all do, but there's this girl going to the party who I have a crush on and I was just thinking: if I drank a little bit of alcohol, would that make my breath smell? I'm scared if I drink then my breath will smell and then she won't want to be near me the whole time. Like I said, I'm not going to get super drunk or anything, but will a little bit of alcohol make my breath stink?
Should I thank you for showing intelligent design is not magical if an intelligence of our world repeated it?
I do want to thank atheists and theists alike for providing intellectually honest conclusions to my last question on intelligent design, rather than the same "you don't know anything remarks." My point that I was making is that the origin of life is very very complicated, as evident in the experimentations of science seeking to reproduce it from scratch. And that if science ever reproduced a smaller example of abiogenesis, it would take intelligent design. And if intelligent design on the part of humanity, intelligent design of organisms should not be mocked as magical when compared to random chance. If one believes in random chance rather than an intelligent force(s) to organize the complexities of life, believing there is no intelligence in existence higher than humanity, they can reasonably do so. And if we who see intelligent design in the origins of life, wish to accredit our God, it is just as feasible to do my opinion, more likely; just as it is more likely for science to bring about abiogenesis through controlled experiments than to toss chemicals together and hope for something to arise to life and sustain itself.
Sore throat for one week?
I have a sore throat for one week. It all started last Wednesday. I started using mouthwash for throat. This helped and by Tuesday everything was ok, Today i have a feeling that is coming back. I didn't have any other symptom like high temperature or any kind of temperature, cough, swollen nodes... only other thing that in the morning my nose i little bit full but i can still breath on it normally. What could cause this problem of mine???
Where can you be safe from a world wide flood?
What is the safest and highest place on earth from a world wide flood dew to a giant asteroid impact, because some places require you to wear a breathing apparatus because the air is too thin to breath and is a higher altitude. So is there such a place that could be safe!!! Yes or No
Girl problems...any suggestions?
So i started text this girl a week ago for the first time. We kind of knew each other but I got her number from a friend (which may have been a bad move but whatever). Because school is over im not going to see her in person again until next year (that is if she comes back which she may not). When we did text she seemed kind of bored at some points but she asked me a few questions (which may have just been to be polite idk). Now its been over a week and we havent talked. Would she have initiated a conversation if she wanted to talk? Because she didn't does that mean shes uninterested? And if i should txt her I have no clue what to say (specifics would be helpful. it just doesnt seem like i know her well enough to say hey whats up. and even if i did i dont see how to sustain a conversation after that. so i feel kinda stuck). I feel like the fact that she has my number and hasnt said anything in a week means shes uninterested but idk. Thanks.
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