Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does my boyfriend care or is he just not grown up enough for a relationship?

My boyfriend of 4 months is nice, understanding, we go on dates, and we're pretty mutually give-and-take. He still opens car doors and he took his time dating me. He is not experienced and seems to think a relationship is sustained on one or two days a week of seeing each other. Then he plays video games for hours. He does work a lot and he is taking summer classes so maybe I should let it slide? Truth is he flunked out of an expensive university and now is in community college and his dad has restrictions on him for curfews, studying, even texting or having me over. Apparently my boyfriend really messed up and probably hasn't grown up. Me on the other hand I'm excelling and my gpa went up 5 points this year. College and relationships come naturally. I do love him and I have talked to him and he insists he really likes me and that if there was a problem he would tell me. Should I just let him go at his pace and hope that when we both go to university we can have a free and real relationship? I just feel like breaking up would be a mistake.

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